


5大漏財風水!謝沅瑾授防漏財秘招 加碼催財時辰、龍年財庫方位

大門口應避免直對瓦斯爐、冰箱(碗櫥)、水龍頭;辦公室大門則是應避免直對茶水間,防止破財的可能性。 謝沅瑾解釋,開門後見到水龍頭,會讓財水往外流,若見到瓦斯爐和冰箱「形成財庫外漏」,易讓人窺探財富深淺,有漏財風險。 防漏財、破財,家具這樣擺放...

1953 Chinese Zodiac

The year of 1953 is the Chinese zodiac Snake sign, and based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the water element. Therefore, people born in 1953 Chinese zodiac year are the Water Snake. As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, Chinese year of the Water Snake starts from February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 in Gregorian calendar.

Galassia 吊燈

Galassia 吊燈為 Stilnovo 於 1959 年所推出的設計,有十二燈與六燈兩種款式。 球型玻璃如星系般旋繞著中心,Galassia 具有優雅的視覺動勢。 金色的燈體與黑色的裝飾細節,精緻地再現義大利五〇年代的摩登風韻。

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